Your life, well lived.


Live well.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Love well.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Lead well.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


About Donna

Donna is a Professional Coach and Consultant certified by the International Coach Federation. She has a passion for helping people and organizations get "unstuck" from the status quo. She creatively helps people to unlock their potential and move toward fulfilling, abundant life, love and work.

This is possibly the place for an inspirational statement that shows your style or a call to action

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This is where there is information on your coaching approach and philosophy. This sentence is only to add length to see how it looks. This sentence is only to add length to see how it looks. This sentence is only to add length to see how it looks.

What People Are Saying:

Working with Donna for the past 10 months or so has been incredibly helpful for me on a personal, professional, and mental/emotional level. Donna has been there for me through a variety of colorful life events and lessons: from job stresses, job interviews, moving to a new city, a relationship, traveling, figuring out my goals/values, and developing a stronger sense of self-awareness, we've covered it all. It's been an incredible growth process for me the past few months since Donna has really helped me hone in on what is important to me during our sessions and has provided me with insight and direction. She also has been crucial in helping me build the next chapter of my life. I would highly recommend her to young adults who are searching for that mentor."   

— Hanna, Cleveland, Oh  

“I connected with Donna right away.  Her caring personality was evident from our first interaction and made it very easy to open myself up to her in our coaching sessions. Donna has a knack for asking the perfect question that opens up a new insight and view into the situation.  She is an exceptional coach and has helped me with a variety of issues in our time together.  I have post-it notes throughout my office with reminders to insights I’ve garnered in our coaching sessions.”

— Jane, Pittsburgh, Pa

“Donna has a knack for asking the perfect question that opens up a new insight and view into the situation.  She is an exceptional coach and has helped me with a variety of issues in our time together.”

 "It truly has been a joy and pleasure to work with Donna these past several months. I have noticed a huge difference in my personality, energy level and mental fortitude since we started meeting. I am finding that when I am confronted with decisions, I am dealing with them more with a level head and not letting the weight of the decision bog me down. I attribute that to our discussions and the insights that come out of them during the meetings. Another element I like about working with Donna, is her ability listen to what is happening in my life in the present, learning about my goals and future plans and figuring out the steps it will take to make those goals and dreams a reality. She listens without any sense of judgement and is not afraid to ask the hard questions to make you think deeper. I am very happy I asked her to help me with my career and personal aspirations, to set goals and make them a reality."

— Ryan, Beaver, Pa

With Rivertree, -presence/vision for future

(This can be a photo of you or a nature photo)